
Registration Welcome to KY Twisted, to join our forums please click (Create Account) or the little facebook icon in the upper right hand corner of this site. After you have registered please feel free to post up a introduction and get to know our community.
Hope to see your return and we look forward to riding with you!
Also don't forget to book mark us!
KY Twisted

Forum Posting Tips, Rules & Guidelines

Don't Be Afraid To Post.

If you're new to our community, taking the step for the first time to post publicly to a message board can sometimes seem intimidating. Don't be afraid to jump into a discussion. We have a very supportive community that serves up heavy doses of support, encouragement and enthusiasm.We love meeting new people and being friendly. While we hope that you'll become an active participant and join in our discussions, youre welcome, of course, to simply hang out silently until you feel more comfortable posting a message.

Forum Posting Tips & Guidelines

* Do not post a question or information that has been posted previously. In order to make sure you are not repeating a question or information be sure to read all of the thread you wish to post to before posting. * DO NOT post iN aLL uPPer CaSe. IT IS LIKE YELLING. This goes for TITLES as well. * Your not going to like everybody, its a fact, but for everyone elses sake please try to keep personal problems between members out of the forums.

Forum Posting Rules

No personal attacks or anything else that could cause offense to somebody else. Keep the posts positive.Keep profanity at a minimum. Do not put in anything that could be considered sexually explicit, or unsuitable for minors. A posting must adhere to the community standards. Absolutely NO FLAMING. If you have unfavorable comments about anything, outside of a professional opinion, we ask that you keep them to yourself. or take them to a PM (Private Message) KY Twisted is a very relaxed moderated forum, but please do not take advantage of this. Use your head.

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